
Identical Twins With Albinism Are 1 In 2 Million | BORN DIFFERENT

2024-09-14 653 Dailymotion

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TWIN SISTERS and partners in crime, Megan and Mikayla were born with albinism, a condition affecting the production of pigment in their skin, hair and eyes. The condition itself is rare, but the odds of two twins both having the condition at birth are thought to be around "one in two million." As a result of their albinism, the sisters are both visually impaired, so they keep the apartment they live in together meticulously organised so they are able to find everything they need. Their skin is also sensitive to sunlight, so they "try to wear as much protective clothing" as possible when leaving home - although Megan admits: "That's not true, but we're supposed to!" The pair are resolutely independent, but they and their loved ones have faced other challenges over the years, mainly due to the fact that the sisters "didn't look like our family" when they were born. At its worst, this meant people accused their mother, Shalella, of cheating on their father. Now, as adults, the twins cannot leave the house without people staring - something that makes them feel like they're "in a zoo and people are just coming by to stare at us." Dating, too, presents its challenges and although Megan is now in a relationship, Mikayla still wants to find the man for her - but admits that: "I just don't go on a lot of dates because I have anxiety about what they're going to say about me." So with a blind date set up and her sister and mom watching on in secret from across the bar, will Mikayla's date respond to her condition in the right way and make a good first impression?

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Videographer: Adams Wood
Series Producer: Kim Nguyen
Producer: Tom Buckman
Casting Producer: Liz Bland, Emily Johnson
Editor: Renee Wong